Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Change of Pace -- FINNEY

Due to the great weather: a newly scheduled work day! How does this sound? Saturday the 24th at Finney Cemetery, 9:00 a.m., to burn the brush pile and remove the remaining decrepit fence.
Some tools for we'll need at Finney:
Wire or bolt cutters, Claw hammer, Shovel and / or pry bars to remove “t” posts, Rake, Fire (matches that is) (Ha!), Chainsaw? A Truck (I think there may still be a couple of cedar logs laying around if anyone wants them) Remember, we must haul away the junk fence.

If we get this done rather quickly, perhaps some of us can move over to Mantels afterward. Mantels is nearing completion but there are some definite challenges remaining there.

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