Friday, September 30, 2011

Meet Noon Saturday at Krog Park

We will be probing and digging at Krog Park in Washington tomorrow (Saturday, Oct. 1) beginning at approximately noon.

For our newer members; we have an agreement with the Parks Department that enables us to dig up headstones. We'll record the information and take photographs, then return the stones to their storage place in the ground.

Just like panning for gold, only you can’t keep the gold!!

Give Daniel Boone a Hand

Please join the ‘Friends of Daniel Boone’s Burial Site in Missouri’ as they make improvements to the Boone Monument site tomorrow morning (Saturday, Oct. 1) beginning at 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

October Work Dates

At our September 27 meeting, the following work dates were scheduled for the cemetery society:

Saturday, October 1: Assist the Friends of Daniel Boone’s Burial Site group with some minor work at the Boone Monument near Marthasville. Following this, an afternoon in Krog Park!

Saturday, October 8, 22 and 29: “Final” work days at St. John’s U.C.C. at Mantels. Let’s get it finished before winter!

Attention Repair Team: A day will be selected very soon for three repairs at Ming Cemetery, Ebenezer “Stone” Church Cemetery and Wildey Odd Fellows Cemetery. Watch for an alert!

Thanks to everyone and I hope to see you soon, Marc

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tuesday Meeting at Mantels -- Dinner First

The FCCS will be meeting at St. John's U.C.C. Mantels Church at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 27 for dinner followed by a short meeting. Please note the place and time. See You There!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Change of Pace -- FINNEY

Due to the great weather: a newly scheduled work day! How does this sound? Saturday the 24th at Finney Cemetery, 9:00 a.m., to burn the brush pile and remove the remaining decrepit fence.
Some tools for we'll need at Finney:
Wire or bolt cutters, Claw hammer, Shovel and / or pry bars to remove “t” posts, Rake, Fire (matches that is) (Ha!), Chainsaw? A Truck (I think there may still be a couple of cedar logs laying around if anyone wants them) Remember, we must haul away the junk fence.

If we get this done rather quickly, perhaps some of us can move over to Mantels afterward. Mantels is nearing completion but there are some definite challenges remaining there.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Great Day at Mantels!

You don't know what you missed! We had a great day yesterday at Mantels! The ground was finally soft enough to probe and the revelations were numerous.

We made the decision to reset the footstones where possible, something we wouldn’t normally do, but since this is a very historic cemetery and there are no longer burials taking place there, etc., we decided to go for it. Since many of the footstones were still intact and tossed into the wooded area we simply played “Concentration” and matched them back up with their headstones. If a base was found, we reset it and if not, we buried the it atop the grave as we had originally planned.

The large headstone found in the woods with a fractured base was successfully reset and is a new benchmark for our group. A daunting task made simple by our outstanding crew. Our small team of four who braved the cool and threatening weather didn’t stop there. Divine intervention led us to discover that we had reset two headstones in exactly the right spots as we later found their accompanying footstones in those very places. Weird and wonderful.

To top off the day, we located a one-break headstone in the wooded area which had not been located previously (photo by Warren).

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rescheduled Day at St. John's Mantels

It was bound to happen some time.

Last Saturday, despite the rain, a few of us die-hards worked at Mantels for about two hours. After being thoroughly soaked, we gave up and headed home.

In the wake of that disaster, let’s have a workday this coming Saturday beginning at 9:00. I hope you all can make it. We’ve made great strides and the remaining work is very rewarding as the fallen stones are going back up, repairs are being made and the place is really looking great.

Please join us if you can.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Late News From St. John's Mantels

Our group made more fast and efficient progress Thursday evening at Mantels. We are getting down to the nitty-gritty. The stones that had been discarded into the woods have mostly been reset using plot plans and relying on the old German-American burial method of chronology. A good number of headstones were epoxied back together and await their final touches using our ‘void mix’.

There is still the frustration of having bases for which we have found no matching headstones and headstones for which we’ve found no matching bases. Very Humpty-Dumptyesque at this point but getting better quickly.

Come join us. See you Saturday, September 10th at 9:00 a.m.