Monday, August 1, 2011

Treasure Beneath Krog Memorial Park

An interesting article was published in the Washington Historical Society Newsletter concerning the unearthing of the tombstone of William Owens. After his death, his widow founded the city of Washington. Her stone wasn't found, but she is likely buried next to her husband.

Owens is buried in the old Bassora Cemetery now beneath Krog Memorial Park. The park is cat-a-corner across from St. John's Mercy Hospital. The article gives details on how the stones in Bassora came to be buried under the sod about 85 years ago.

The article was written by Marc Houseman, Director of the Washington Historical Society Museum and founder of the Franklin County Cemetery Society. Marc is very knowledgeable of area history and, in particular, the cemeteries.

For more details contact the historical society at the address given in the link to the right of this page. Better still, consider joining the organization for a mere $25.oo for an individual.

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