Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bryan Cemetery Needs Work; Original Resting Place of Daniel Boone

A meeting was held recently at the Washington Historical Society to discuss the replacement of the destroyed Boone Monument plaque by the Missouri State Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. In a nutshell, the D.A.R. will replace the plaque and perhaps do some repairs on the red granite base.

At the same meeting, discussion arose regarding the condition of the cemetery itself. A few people remained after the D.A.R. meeting and discussed using the monument’s vandalism to our advantage to begin an earnest fund raising campaign to restore the entire cemetery to a more pleasing appearance. Also, the graves of Flanders and Jemima (Boone) Callaway have never been marked; an oversight that should be rectified. According to recorded deeds of the “Bryan Farm” the cemetery contains one acre (of which about 1/3 is currently fenced) and that acre has been exempted from the surrounding property since at least 1860. In other words, the cemetery is a stand-alone ‘entity’, as required by state law.

The difficult part of this project is everyone wants to do it but no one wants to initiate the process. Then, we all end up doing nothing! This is a unique opportunity. No one would argue that the site is one of historical significance. A lot of recent attention has been given the site due to the theft of the plaque. Let’s strike while the iron is hot.

A meeting has been set for September 11 at 7:00 p.m., location to be determined. See this site for additional details or call the Washington Historical Society at 636-239-0280.

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