Bob B. went to Finke Cemetery one morning and burned two brush piles and cut brush! He touched off the largest pile on the east side first. He later moved to the west side beyond the mound. He ignited a brush pile near the field and cleared that corner of small trees and added them to the fire. If the fire is hot enough it will burn the green stuff fine. He kept the two fires going all morning and let them die down by the time he left at 2 p.m. There are some Lilacs in the NW corner and some Red Buds in the SE corner. He flagged them with orange tape. Bob also sprayed some Japanese Honey Suckle and some Multi-Flora Rose. The cemetery is covered with a blanket of Periwinkle and Day Lilies. There are also some flowering shrubs about 2 ft. tall with white flowers! At least, he didn't get any ticks or chiggers. Very little Poison Ivy.
Bob thinks two chainsaws and 2 or 3 people to pile and burn brush, the rest of it could be knocked out in half a day of work. There is only one more week till the burn ban. There will be more trees to take out in the future. Even if there are stones underneath them, it won't hinder probing. There is still fencing to be removed and more brush. With a good turnout Thursday, Bob B. thinks we could get a lot done!