Friday, November 27, 2009
Warren County, Missouri Group Forming
Update of Happenings
At our meeting Tuesday we set one work date: Saturday, January 9 at 9:00 a.m. at the Vitt-Burckhardt Cemetery near Campbellton. We will be removing one fairly large tree and burning it in the field. We also plan to reinstall the section of iron fence which has been repaired. Some weed-eating may be needed there as well.
Directions to Vitt-Burckhardt Cemetery: From Washington take Highway 100 west to KK. Turn left onto KK and go several miles to Sunny Road. Turn left onto Sunny Road and go to the first driveway on the right. Turn into the drive and go to the end (next to the house). Park there and walk out into the field on the right. You will see the cemetery as you enter the field.
Froehlich Cemetery in New Haven is finished. The New Haven Preservation Society will plant grass there in the spring and maintain the site hereafter. An added bonus of our last work day there was the removal of all of the tree stumps in the cemetery and the brush along the back fence line. The place really looks great and thanks to everyone who helped on that project.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
HELLING Cemetery

Here is a potential upcoming project. It will only require tombstone cleaning and in one case, using stack mix to reattach the pieces. This is the Helling Cemetery, about five miles south of New Haven.
There are four marked burials and possibly one unmarked burial. The descendants are interested in cleaning it up and will handle all brush removal, and they will decide what to do with the fence, which is partially down. Thanks to Susan W. for taking the photos.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
November 4 Update
The new sign was installed at Union Church Cemetery (
At the History Fair in Union Sunday, we gained two new memberships in the Franklin County Cemetery Society and handed out at least a dozen of our brochures. Quite a number of folks took a look at our display, so let’s hope we get a few more members.
Reminder: Saturday November 14 at 9:00 a.m. we will be working at the Froehlich / Poese /
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Ebenezer “Stone” Church (old) Cemetery: Possible project for next year.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Froehlich Cemetery update
A brief report on our accomplishments at the
We had a small turnout, and one descendant of those buried at the cemetery was present and helped as well. In all, there are eight marked graves at the site. Three headstones are standing, including a modern military stone marking the grave of the Civil War veteran Augustus (a.k.a. Gustave) Froehlich. The other two standing monuments were obelisk style and had been re-set by descendants several years ago.
All of the stones except the two obelisks and the modern headstone were thoroughly cleaned. All bases were located except for one. All bases were reusable, one being in fair condition and may be ‘improved’ by the descendants. The base of Froehlich’s original stone was utilized for the headstone of his infant grandson, whose base was not located. Genius! All but one headstone is reinstalled. This stone was in three pieces and we have the bottom third in its base, but need to epoxy the remainder. Two footstones were located and reinstalled.
The NHPS will level out the ground and plant grass in the spring next year. They will handle the ongoing maintenance.
Our Thanks to the New Haven Preservation Society, who were on hand to help and they also provided coffee and coffee cake, and later chili with all the trimmings, and soda for lunch.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Directions to Froehlich Cemetery
Sunday, October 4, 2009
THE ABOVE WORK PROJECT IS CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER. It will be rescheduled at a later date.
Saturday, October 10: 8:00 a.m. at
Saturday, October 17: 8:00 a.m. at the
Also, a head count is needed of those going to Froehlich Cemetery in New Haven on Saturday, October 17. The New Haven Preservation Society is hosting lunch our workers. Please let Marc know A.S.A.P. if you are attending that day. Thanks.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Froehlich Cemetery - New Haven
Monday, September 14, 2009
We will begin Saturday September 19 at 8:00 a.m. or whenever you can get there. Our main project is to glue the broken headstones together, so we will need lots of clamps, etc. We will probably only be there a few hours, so no need to bring a lunch.